For your


Benefit from data-driven, actionable insights.

[dot] Expert comes with a comprehensive report library that displays the data you need from all aspects of your business. These reports – from your standard booked premium reports to your more complex reinsurance bordereaux – were developed with the guidance from industry experts.



With [dot] Expert's extensive reporting capabilities, you get extensive grouping and filtering capability. In addition, you can output the data to a spreadsheet for further analysis.



Take advantage of the included report builder to design and customize your own ad-hoc reports. Add the fields and information that provide you with the most insight into your company's business.



Streamline your routine processes by scheduling reports to run on a pre-defined schedule. By automating your routine tasks, you can focus on other aspects of your business.


Report Library

[dot] Expert comes with numerous reports, covering premium, receivables, claims, cancellations, reinsurance, and more.


Data Calls

Thanks to our extensive history in the industry, [dot] Expert includes different output files for many state data calls.


Reinsurance Dashboard

The unique reinsurance dashboard provides you a quick glance are your reinsurance treaties for both premiums and claims.

Incredibly powerful, easy to use.

[dot] Expert is able to process some of the most complex reinsurance treaties, but present the information to the user in a friendly way. This makes the extensive report library a powerful tool for your company.

  • Schedule P

  • Premium & claims reinsurance

  • Loss ratio

  • Earned/unearned premium analysis

  • KPI reports

  • Excess treaties

  • Quota Share treaties

  • Facultative treaties

  • Ceded coverage treaties

  • Report designer

Go Grellow with Mutual Expert's [dot] Expert

Built using the latest technologies and informed by our extensive industry experience, Mutual Expert’s [dot] Expert is a powerful yet elegant solution that integrates all facets of your insurance operation.

Discover more about Going Grellow for your company.



Gain complete control and flexibility over your policy rating, underwriting and management.



Streamlines your routine process while reducing your operational costs through automation and batch processing.



Improve your customer satisfaction with faster claims processing and easier access for both agents and insureds.